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Newsletter #1


Incredibly, it's been one year since St Piran's Pork first appeared on the local produce scene. What a year it's been! We could never have predicted the amazing response and positive feedback on our pork from you, our ever growing, loyal band of followers.

After generations of hiding behind the security of the farm gate, it's been a real eye opener to actually go out and meet customers… without having a supermarket in the supply chain.

Although we believe we produce the best pork around, it's still both humbling and heartening to hear your feedback. To stand behind a market stall selling something that’s taken you nine months to produce and be told "that shoulder joint tasted just like I remember it as a child," or "that crackling was absolutely amazing," or “we've never tasted bacon like yours - it doesn't shrink in the pan, it's just the best". We never tire of hearing this great feedback, and we also really love hearing about all of the amazing things that people do with our products, and sharing those mouth-watering pictures on social media.

Most pleasing of all is the realisation that there are a significant number of folk out there who see value in what we're doing. Supermarkets talk a good talk on welfare, the environment and nutrition, but ultimately their sole driver is price and a healthy return to shareholders. That's why we launched St Piran's Pork. We no longer wanted to supply a customer whose only focus was cost. We constantly endeavour to farm in a regenerative way, whilst keeping the health and happiness of our pigs as a top priority. We are encouraged that many of our customers agree that we should eat less meat, and when we do buy it, we should spend a little more to get it straight from a high-welfare farm, from people we can trust.

So, that's why we're here, doing what we do. Farming is a privilege, and we are lucky to be working the land. It's not always easy, and rarely financially rewarding, but the genuine interest and value that you, our customers of St Piran's Pork, place in the work that we're doing, and the amazing meat that we're producing, more than make it all worthwhile.

Thank you all for your support,

Nick & Jacqui

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